




Issue No.28

【Music: Tradition and Innovation】

       Even in these fast-changing times, music is still highly valued as a form of cultural expression and art. The emergence of ChatGPT and other AI technologies sent shock waves around the world in 2023. The realm of music was no exception, opening never-before-seen possibilities and marking the start of a new era. Traditional music, in particular, not only continues to pass down the wisdom of our forebears, but it absorbs contemporary ideas and even adopts novel technologies. The theme for this issue is “Music: Tradition and Innovation”, emphasizing the preservation and passing down, as well as the pioneering and development, in various musical disciplines. The goal is to shed light on the past, present, and future of music, including local music, indigenous music and dance, pop music, therapeutic folk music, music-assisted therapy, musical acoustics, generative music, music AI, and more. It is hoped that the study of musical tradition and innovation can help build a more vibrant and diverse music ecosystem, which combines traditional culture and modern technology.

 The June issue deadline: 30th March, 2024.
       區塊鏈、NFT到AI、元宇宙,科技對於藝術產製的影響正日趨深廣。科技發明自古以來即在藝術生態中扮演重要角色,但在資訊資本主義(Informational Capitalism)來臨之前,藝術產製依然奉行人本為主的信念,科技通常是輔助的手段。但當代資通訊科技顯然改變了古典藝術生態與價值觀。從古典定義來看,NFT、AI或元宇宙所產製的事物能否定義為「藝術」?它們能否體現藝術傳統所倡導的審美價值?抑或傳統所定義的審美價值,包括美感、幽默、崇高等已不再重要?科技藝術是否等同於前衛藝術,體現了法蘭克福學派所稱的否定性,已經走出有別於傳統藝術的格局?本專題期望透過國內外的實踐案例與討論,反思科技對於傳統藝術生態與價值的影響與衝擊,歡迎對此現象有專業研究的各界學者提出論述。
Issue No.25

【Tech • Art • Aesthetic Values】

      The influence technology bears on art production is growing by the day, as evidenced by blockchain to non-fungible tokens (NFTs), artificial intelligence (AI) to the metaverse.Technological invention has had a central role in the arts ecosystem since ancient times. Before the advent of information capitalism, technology normally served as an assistive tool in an age when art production was guided by humanism. In contemporary times, the tables have turned as information technology (IT) has disrupted the traditional arts ecosystem and values. From a traditional perspective, can the products resulting from NFT, AI, and the metaverse be considered "art"? Can they convey the aesthetic values traditionally championed by the arts? On the other hand, do beauty, humor, sublime, and other values of traditional aesthetics still retain importance? Is technology art the same as avant-garde art, embodying the negativity proposed by the Frankfurt School and forming an alternate path to traditional art? This issue hopes to reflect on the influence and impact caused by technology on the traditional arts ecosystem and values through practical case studies and discussions by scholars at home and abroad. Professional researchers specializing in this phenomenon are welcome to submit their manuscripts.


The December issue deadline: 30th August, 2023.